A very tricky one that many I know think is the end of their data. Well not entirely...when we delete files we didn't mean to we start to panic about important files we haven't got a backup of. Likewise, when a computer crashes and won't turn on properly anymore we think it's the end of the data we want. But, there are ways to get the data back however, there's a huge catch to the whole problem.
This catch applies to the wiped files. When we delete data to make more room on a computer, the data is not completely destroyed. Traces are left of the file and can be used to reassemble the file using data recovery software. However, these traces can get overwritten if we keep saving data. So the best advice is, if you've deleted something permanently by accident, stop using the device immediately to better your chances of a successful recovery and contact a company that can provide a data recovery service. The important point...data recovery is a tricky process and not always guaranteed. Stopping use of a device does improve recovery potential but does not guarantee recovery.
We offer a no fix no fee data recovery for this and you can see more at www.worleyitservices.com/Repairs/HDDRecover.aspx
Now, for those who lose access to their laptop or computer etc, 90% of the time the data is more than recoverable if the system has crashed and won't come back on. The data being stored on the physical hard drive is accessible by removing the hard drive from the system and plugging it into a second computer. This effectively turns the hard drive into an external hard drive and is accessed similar to flash drives etc. Again, it is best advised to consult an expert in these circumstances to ensure a professional and proper recovery of data. Again, we offer this service under our hard drive recovery service (see above).
So, to sum it up, keep your data backed up at least in one location and if you do delete something by accident, contact a data recovery provider asap to increase your chances of a successful recovery. If your computer won't come back on or has crashed, it's not the end of your data so long as you do not reinstall the operating system over the top in a bid to get it working again. Get the files backed up first to save disappointment.
If you need any help on this then please get in touch at enquiries@worleyitservices.com and we can quote you a price.
Hope you have found this useful.